Secure Your Retirement: Book Your FRS DROP Review Now

This essential service
offers you a detailed, step-by-step journey through
your retirement planning, ensuring you’re fully prepared for the next chapter

Why Do I Need A Review?

As you approach your retirement from the Florida Retirement System (FRS),
make sure not to miss out on your free personalized retirement review. We
understand that navigating FRS retirement can feel daunting. Our one-on-one
session with an expert is designed to be insightful and helpful, ensuring you
move into retirement as smooth as possible. Click the link to arrange your
personal review, which usually lasts up to 30 minutes.

Be Ready. Watch This Video.

About Us

At Florida Pension Planners, we understand that transitioning out of the Florida Retirement System DROP
program into retirement can feel like navigating the beautiful, yet complex waters of Florida. Our mission is
to be your guide, ensuring you don’t miss the best spots on your journey. With our expert professionals,
we offer comprehensive guidance on all aspects of your retirement from the Florida Retirement System.
We help you understand your entitlements, protect your DROP account, complete necessary forms
accurately and on time, and explore tax-saving strategies.

Our services extend beyond just the Florida Retirement System; we delve into Social Security complexities, Medicare, health insurance options, and tax-related matters. We pride ourselves on providing education rather than sales, serving as your partner to ensure you’re well-informed and confident about your retirement decisions. Our approach is to empower you with knowledge, helping you maximize every benefit available to you, from pensions to health insurance subsidies.
We believe in starting with the end in mind, discussing beneficiary options, fixed income supplementation, and ensuring all avenues are explored for your peace of mind and the well-being of your loved ones. At Florida Pension Planners, we’re committed to being more than just an educational resource; we’re here to partner with you to secure your financial dreams, ensuring you leave nothing on the table as you step into this exciting new chapter of life. Let us be your guide to a confident, well-planned retirement.

Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)

DROP offers FRS members a way to accumulate a lump sum of funds with several options at the end of
employment. (DROP Term) During your participation in DROP, your monthly retirement benefits are not
paid to you directly; instead, they accumulate in the FRS Trust Fund, where they earn fixed interest, safe
from any losses. Once your employment ends, you have three options as it relates to your DROP funds.
and the decision must be made within 60 days or exit


Payable directly to you. FRS automatically withhold 20% and becomes a taxable
event that could potentially put you in a higher tax bracket depending on the amount. Importantly, if you
do not make an election within 60 days from the end of your employment/DROP term, you will
automatically and permanently default to a full lump sum, creating a taxable event.


Rollover into a tax-deferred plan like an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), avoiding an immediate taxable event. Two VERY important details when choosing this option is the underlying investment you choose within your IRA AND who you seek counsel from to handle this for you. We’ll teach you how to protect yourself by asking the right questions to ensure who you work has your
best interest as a guiding principle. Knowledge is power- We’ll teach you using facts and prepare you for what questions to ask. This detail is often overlooked. At Florida Pension Planners, we’ll teach you what
questions you should be asking to help determine the best solution pertaining to where your funds are
rolled over to.


A Combination of a partial lump sum and partial rollover. You may decide to withdraw a partial specific amount of your DROP funds as a distribution. You may decide to rollover the balance keeping the funds rolled over tax sheltered. At Florida Pension Planners, we’ll explore and expand on each method, educating and empowering you on the options available in the marketplace as it relates to making this important decision.

FRS Drop Enrollment

Click here to access the FRS DROP Enrollment PDF:

FRS Health Insurance Subsidy

Click here to access the DROP Guide Booklet PDF:


This is the link to access the forms:

Complete list of FRS forms

If you want to learn more about FRS, click this link:

Book Your Personal Retirement Review Now!

Your personal review and retirement checklist are invaluable tools designed to guide you through each stage of your retirement preparation process.
Florida Pension Planners is an educational consulting firm dedicated to assisting members of the Florida
Retirement System in understanding their transition options. Your personal consultation may be
conducted by state-licensed individuals, financial advisors, fiduciaries, insurance agents, or non-
financially licensed individuals from our network, who are not direct employees of Florida Pension
Planners, based on availability and your request. We are not an insurance agency, investment advisor, or
broker-dealer, nor do we employ such professionals. Our services include educational consulting for which
we may charge a flat fee, and we may refer clients, at their direction and request without additional cost,
to a network of qualified professionals for specialized advice. Please note, Florida Pension Planners is not
affiliated with or endorsed by the Florida Retirement System or the Florida Division of Retirement. Our
services are strictly educational and do not include specific tax, legal, or investment advice. The content
on this website, including videos and links, is for educational purposes only and should not be construed
as investment advice or an offer to buy or sell any financial products.